To send messages to the Community, you need to create an account.

We encourage you to login with Facebook, but you can also create an account using your email.

If you have created an account using an email, you should receive an email from us to validate your account.

If you did not receive the validation account email, please send an email to with the subject «Account activation» from the same email you used when creating your account. Your account shall be activated automagically in 5 minutes. So, wait those 5 minutes and try again to send a message.

If you were able to chat in the past but now you are not able to participate in the Community… you probably got banned by the moderators. In this case, just create another account and this time, be a warm quitter! :·)

In all cases: if the problem continues, contact us indicating the email you used when creating your account or your nickname at QuitNow!